
Age of wonders: planetfall key removed steam
Age of wonders: planetfall key removed steam

age of wonders: planetfall key removed steam

The Vanguards victory strategy is technological superiority and a ranged focused military. The Vanguard is also the closest thing you get for normal, civilized humans in Planetfall. The Vanguard were the expeditionary forces of the old Star Union and I like to think that they give you an idea of how the old Star Union used to look like. The Vanguard is likley the first faction you´ve made contact with in Planetfall, since it´s the Vanguard you play during the basic tutorial mission when starting up the campaign. Want to read about the NPC and wildlife units as well? I´ve made a guide about them as well, you can find it here: With all that out of the way, let´s dive right into it! If you think I´ve overlooked something important, didn´t set the right focus or just have suggestions regarding tactics and mods make sure to say so in the comments below. I very much welcome constructive feedback and suggestions in the comments of this guide. One important thing: The stats of the guide are that of the base unit without ranks or mods. In there, I will take note of special abilities of that unit, will give a comment on how effective I think the unit is (in comparison with equivalent units of other factions) and sometimes I´ve also included some tactic advice in the description. Here, you can find an overview of the stats of each unit (for example HP, armor rating and cost) as well as a description of the unit.

age of wonders: planetfall key removed steam

Hello everyone! This is a guide about the units for each of Planetfalls different playable factions. (Update: April 26th 2021) New NPC guide has gone live!

Age of wonders: planetfall key removed steam